• What is an "impairment" under Section 504?

  • What is considered a "major life activity"?

  • What is considered a "substantial limitation"?

  • What qualifies as a disability under Section 504?

  • What do I do if I suspect my child has a disability?

  • Who can refer a child for a Section 504 evaluation?

  • Can a doctor determine if my child is eligible for Section 504?

  • Does a child need to fail a class to be eligible for Section 504?

  • Who decides if a child is eligible for Section 504 services?

  • What information is considered in a Section 504 evaluation?

  • What accommodations can my child receive under Section 504?

  • Are all students with dyslexia eligible for Section 504 services?

  • Can my child be disciplined if he/she is served in Section 504?

  • Can my child receive accommodations in advanced placement classes?

  • Will my child automatically receive accommodations in college?

  • How often will my child be re-evaluated?

  • Will my child always be eligible for Section 504?

  • What are my rights as a parent/guardian under Section 504?