Message from the Superintendent

  • Notes from Dr. Gayle Stinson

    Week #2 Prop A 

    In our communications about the bond, we use the term “Birdville’s Proposition Bundle.” When discussing the three propositions, it is important to remind voters that they are being asked to consider the proposal as a bundle even though they are listed as three separate items. 

    Why are there three propositions on the ballot? 

    Beginning with the May 2020 election cycle, Education Code §45.003(g) requires that certain “special purpose” categories of improvements be included in separate, standalone propositions: 

    • Stadiums with seating capacity for 1,000 or more; 

    • Natatoriums; 

    • Recreational facility “other than a gym, playground, or play area;” 

    • Performing arts facility; and 

    • Technology other than that used for school security purposes or technology infrastructure integral to the construction of a facility. 

    What are the three propositions being considered by voters? 

    Proposition A 

    Safety and Security/Renovations/Repairs/Rebuilds/Buses 

    • Rebuild Mullendore Elementary 

    • Build New Partner School (Smith/Francisco) 

    • Renovations at Denton Hwy. property 

    • Haltom High Cafeteria expansion 

    • Repairs/Upgrades 

    • Buses 

    • Press Boxes at all three high school football, baseball and softball fields 

    • Artificial Turf at all three high school baseball and softball fields 

    Total: $284,714,315 

    Next week, we will look at Proposition B: Technology.